OLD-Online Safety

At Barford Primary we teach all of our children about how they should behave whilst accessing online resources and communicating online. Our approach ensures that children are equipped with the necessary tools to be able to make the right choices and stay safe whilst using the internet. We do not believe that simply preventing children from accessing most online content is the way to ensure safety, but rather to educate them to be able to respond appropriately when faced with inappropriate content or communications online and to understand the consequences of their actions whilst using the internet.

Barford Online Safety Policy 2019_20

Part of our service as a community hub, is to provide information and advice to parents and carers relating to online safety. There is a lot of information available to read and also use at home to support the work that we are doing at school.
Below are a number of useful web-links which offer advice, support and answers to questions that may have been brought up at home in conversation.
Our aim is to give children at Barford the confidence to speak about their online experiences and be open about their interactions so that the internet can be used to its maximum potential.

Partnership Schools

Barford Primary School
Chapel Street, Barford, Norwich, NR9 4AB


The Bawburgh School
Hockering Lane, Bawburgh, NR9 3LR
